Posted by: xGEKKOx - 02-02-2025, 02:14 PM - Forum: HELP
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ENG To ask help for an App that have a bug or wouldn't work correctly or crash:
- Open a new topic in the HELP category - Copy the error message from the MAC or explain the error for iOS - Tell us if the bug happen randomly or all the times you do the same thing - Tell us if it was present also in the previous versions - Tell us which version of your Device / OSx you are using - Tell us if your firewall is activated
ITA Per chiedere un aiuto specifico ad una applicazione o per un bug che si presenta in strane situazioni o solo per alcuni utenti:
- Aprire un nuovo topic - Spiegare se il bug si presenta sempre o solo delle volte - Spiegare se nelle versioni precedenti si presentava ugualmente - Quale versione iOs si sta usando sul proprio iPhone - Se il wireless ha il firewall attivato
When you think an abuse has occurred in one of our Apps, please report: - Nick (if specified) - Country (if is specified) - The current time, so we can look at the server log - Which kind of abuse the users done
We will take actions as soon as we can (usually in 24h). Thanks.
GG Basic is a processed language, developed to give to iOS users the possibility to learn a simple programming language. We suggest to use it on iPad, but it also work on iPhone and iPod. This software will be updated regularly with new features additions and new commands.
This is the list of the work i'm doing on your favourite game!!! I will update this post every time i add a new thing in the code, in the while you can suggest me what to add or what to fix from the previous version. Help me to make it the best Hacker game ever!!!
Commands: Desktop command IPTV commands Reset current mission command (suggested by Constantine) New missions VS big servers. Shop to sell old hardware. Hide the command line and icons while a command is executing Add new viruses and check their bugs. SD Card hardware say always NONE. Hardware speed must affect something more. Each command must have a file with the description inside. Add PAUSE command. "BBS SYSTEM". GG Basic integration. Users Software SHOPS/BBS or similar to give the possibility to earn GG Coins. Compress directory command. Add the news command to show updates and changes. Gameplay recorder to rec video and share with players TV Player with real world iptv channels Animated view that not fill all screen Virtual desktop with mouse and icons simulation New missions World Map of all hackers connected MAC Version (writing on a mac is better than the pad)
Suggested by Stefaniscion : Power supply check on downgrade Output message after CD command will be deleted Popup for completed missions More words file names managing or complex file names Minigames sometimes doesn't close Command history counter up down fix LS command alias of DIR TAB button to try to autocomplete the command or file name (about impossible) help command in the autoexec.bat for the new users New software miners to drill out the GGCoins from the victim account Navigation commands like DIR, CD... could work also on victim computer after connection Command help with a non existing word give no output Fix to already bought hardware (mission complete check)
This is my last project and it will be released in some days for Android. I coded it from scratch, and i must admit, this is the hardest job i ever done till today. A great journey into Assembly, OPCodes, and my favourite home computer of all time.
Updates and Todo List: MOS 6510 99% Compatible (1% games crash on JAM OpCode) C1541-II : D64 and T64 file format Joysticks External Keyboard SID 6581 and 8580 with AudioBoost Real Joypad support
Chat Upload D64 or T64 RPG Style (Unlock new things based on LVL) 100% Emulation also on JAM, NOP OpCodes